
backup plan

Overcoming "little disasters" with your BDR plan

One nice thing about backup and disaster recovery plans is that they're helpful in situations that aren't exactly devastating. Take a power outage or snow day, for example. “Little disasters” can be inconvenient and even potentially crippling, depending on the situation.

Read Joe Jr.'s article, "Identity Theft is Big Business" in Commerce Magazine's business blog, Free Thinking....

learn how much your data is really worth to cyber-criminals and what you should do to protect yourself and your business.

35 Common Sense Actions To Increase Home And Office Security

Here you go! Your action plan on a silver platter. Follow these suggestions to keep yourself safe from cybercriminals.

Small Isn’t Invisible

Introduction It’s been a long month. In February, we battled…

A Disaster Averted—Our Battle With Cryptolocker

Introduction Recently, we received a call from a client reporting…

It’s Time For Small Businesses To Take Action

How long can your business survive without access to your critical data? Then why are over 96% of workstations not backed up?

Criminals Go Back To Work After The Holidays

Introduction It looks like the criminal element enjoyed their…

Special Announcement: Joe Imperato Jr. Quoted In Commerce Magazine

Commerce Magazine, has quoted, Joe Jr. in their January 2016 editions on Cyber Security.

The Clock Is Ticking - Critical Information That Can Save Your Business

Business documents cover a wide spectrum of activities and must be protected against loss, such as financial, insurance, and payroll info.

Open Communication Channels Are Vital To Recovery

Planned and tested communication channels are vital to a written Disaster Recovery Plan. Poor communication often results in data loss.